Warm White vs Cool White LED Lighting

Years Back, colour temperature was not a choice you had when choosing light emitted from a lamp. With LED Strip Lighting, there is that choice of colour giving you freedom to set the mood for your living or work space. Colour temperature in lighting terms describes how the colour of the light appears from a lamp source, this is measured in Kelvins. The straightforward way to look at it is this, imagine a scale from 1000K (very red) to 10,000K (very blue) The higher up this scale you go, the closer the light resembles blue daylight.
Warm Or Cool?
This is where you come in, its all about personal preference and use. If you are one who prefers the old school traditional colour of a conventional lamp then Warm White LED Strip (3000K) would be ideal, we find this to be the most popular choice for living space in homes. We are finding also that these days, a lot more people are trying for the modern, bold look which requires a cleaner, more brighter feel of a Cooler White LED strip (4000K PLUS). Cool Light contains more blue and certainly is brighter to the eye.


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